One step at a time

Creating an enjoyable journey for myself and my family.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

David Hollister Shumway

My son, David was born on December 27, 2013. It's been two months since he was born and those have simultaneously been the shortest and longest two months of my life. This time around I have opted to stay home and focus on raising my baby rather than working and employing a nanny to fill in at home. The first few weeks I barely slept and felt like a zombie some days, but that resolved itself quickly as David began to sleep better and eat more. At this point, I'm only getting up with him for a feeding at 3 AM most nights. He is a great little sleeper, and he loves to cuddle. I love devoting my time to him. I don't take anything he does for granted. I pay attention to everything and find that I've never enjoyed my life as much as I do right now. The phase he's in now is characterized by cuddles, kisses and cooing. What's not to love? These are a few photos from the day we came home from the hospital.

When I got home from the hospital my daughter was playing around with my camera and lost it. It wasn't until tonight that I found it. I get the feeling I'll be updating my blog much more regularly now that I have use of my camera again. 

My Uncle Stephan recently came to town and I took this photo of him holding David.  

I'm sure there will be many more posts about motherhood, babies and raising a boy. Tonight, I'm going to get some sleep while I can.

1 comment:

  1. I'm delighted to see a baby boy post - I've missed reading about your family.
