One step at a time

Creating an enjoyable journey for myself and my family.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Adam and Lindsey tell their tale of Optimal Health

If you missed the national video conference that Adam Shumway and I did about our ongoing health transformation, you can watch it anytime! Here is the link: 
We're featured about 25 minutes in for roughly 10 minutes. Reach out to me if you're ready to start a transformation of your own! I could show you a million before and after pictures, but I'd rather show you yours!

We've lost 55 pounds together! We've been so thrilled and inspired ourselves that we've decided to pay it forward and become health coaches! I love helping others transform their lives in ways they never imagined! My job is rewarding, confined to David's nap time from my home office, and fun! I'd love to share more if you are interested! We're on a mission to restore hope and health, join us!